New Tenset Burn


New Tenset Burn

The market has been heating up this month, so Tenset wants to add to the fire! We are pleased to provide another massive burn of 10SET tokens: 100,000 have just been permanently destroyed!

This brings the total burn figure to 53.8 million tokens, more than 25.5% of the initial total supply! More information about the burning philosophy can be found on the website here:

As always, you can view the burn transaction on the blockchain below:

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텐셋은 크립토 스타트업과 커뮤니티간의 간격을 연결해 줍니다

우리는 기술 지원, 마케팅 및 활성 커뮤니티의 관심을 통해 가장 유망한 프로젝트에 힘을 실어줍니다.

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