First Zealy reward snapshot has been taken!


First Zealy reward snapshot has been taken!

The deadline has now passed for the first period of Zealy rewards! As announced last week, users had until 10AM UTC today October 11 to enter the top 100 rankings on the leaderboard. The snapshot has now been taken to determine eligible users to claim the special Tenset NFT. Check the file below to find out if you were successful.

Zealy snapshot for NFT 11 October.csv

Who is eligible to claim these NFTs?

  • Top 100 users on Tenset’s Zealy campaign, as of 10AM UTC today October 11
  • Profile must have been fully updated, including a corresponding wallet address
  • Any users inside the top 100 at the time of snapshot, without a wallet address linked to their account, forfeited their reward and it is passed on to the next eligible person in the leaderboard.
  • NFTs can be claimed here: for the next month (until 10AM UTC November 11)
  • Link to the collection on OpenSea:

A reminder of the NFT details:

  • Special collectors item Tenset NFT
  • 100 NFTs in total, numbered #1-100, based on Zealy leaderboard ranking at 10AM UTC October 11 (
  • NFTs deployed on BNB chain, images stored on BNB Greenfield

Congratulations to all the Tensetters who made it into the top 100! Your hard work has been rewarded with this special NFT. Remember, this is only the first Zealy reward! There is another reward in the works for top users, so stay tuned for further details on this in the very near future.

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