Second Round of Raiinmaker Details


Second Round of Raiinmaker Details

The first round of IDO for Raiinmaker has ended! Tenset users will get the opportunity to purchase again in round 2 at 1PM UTC today April 3, on a first come, first served basis. Read on below for further details.

Important dates for Raiinmaker launch:

  • 8PM UTC April 1 - Snapshot of eligible subscribers/NFT holders. No longer possible to subscribe and join the IDO.
  • 10AM UTC April 3 - Round 1 of IDO ended. This was a guaranteed allocation for all Tenset users.
  • Allocation in Round 2:
    • Tier 1 - 20 USDC (57.14 $COIIN tokens)
    • Tier 2 - 50 USDC (142.86 $COIIN tokens)
    • Tier 3 - 120 USDC (342.86 $COIIN tokens)
    • Tier 4 - 150 USDC (428.57 $COIIN tokens)
    • Tier 5 - 180 USDC (514.29 $COIIN tokens)
  • IDO is taking place on the BASE blockchain, using USDC.
  • 1PM UTC April 3 - Round 2 IDO begins, for unsold tokens. First come, First served.

The sale process through the Raiinmaker website is straightforward and simple:

  • Connect your Tenset wallet to
  • Ensure you have USDC on BASE blockchain to purchase your allocation, as well as enough ETH on Base to cover transaction fees
  • Enter the amount of tokens you wish to purchase and click “Buy COIIN” and approve the transactions on your wallet
  • 20% of the COIIN tokens will be claimable at TGE, which will be announced soon. The remaining 80% will unlock monthly for 8 months starting from that TGE date.

Be careful of scams! $COIIN is not available or trading yet. Only trust official sources and channels from Tenset and Raiinmaker.

The 7 day, no-questions-asked, decentralised claim-back policy will be enabled for this launch! This means that you can cancel your vesting up to 7 days after the token lists on an exchange, if you have not already claimed any COIIN tokens.

Raiinmaker team has provided a guide for joining BASE if you are not already familiar with the network.


To bridge from ETH to BASE (Gas fees based on ETH network and congestion, may also take some time to process)

  • visit
  • Select Bridge from Menu on left
  • Connect wallet
  • Select Asset (USDC) and amount to transfer
  • Transfer will Bridge from ETH to BASE

Funds on BSC (or other chain) to USDC on BASE (A less expensive option, cheaper gas fee than eth)

  • To bridge from BSC to BASE visit:
  • Connect wallet
  • Select from BNB chain, Select USDC
  • Select Destination Chain to BASE, Select Asset
  • Input amount
  • Select Transfer
  • Transfer will Bridge from BSC to BASE It will show how much you will receive and estimated time of transfer The amount will bridged from your BSC (or other chain), to your BASE USDC
  • This bridge give you USDbC, instead of regular USDC. So you would then need to swap USDbC to USDC on uniswap in order to participate in the IDO.

Additionally, there is possibility to withdraw ETH via BASE network from a CEX and then swap it for USDC on Uniswap. This will depend on the CEX that you use, e.g. Binance and Bybit support Eth withdrawals via Base. Coinbase supports withdrawals of both ETH and USDC on BASE network.

To add the network to your Metamask or other private wallet, you can follow BASE’s detailed guide here:

Coiin token details:

  • Total supply 100 million tokens based on BASE chain
  • Price per token 0.35 USDC for Tenset users
  • 20% of tokens unlocked at TGE
  • Remaining 80% unlocks over 8 month linear vesting
  • Total raise 750,000 USDC
  • 7 day claim-back policy will be enabled

You can find out more information about Raiinmaker on their official channels below:






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