Tenset team verification


Tenset team verification

Security is paramount in crypto. There are endless number of scammers and impersonators posing as team members on all social media platforms like Twitter, Telegram and even LinkedIn. It is hugely important to be cautious when contacted by individuals online, especially when dealing with money. Transactions on the blockchain are irreversible so funds cannot be retrieved if you fall for a scam!

To mitigate the risk of an individual or business falling for a Tenset impersonator, we now have an official media verification tool on our website. Our verification tool will immediately inform you whether this the person you were speaking with is a registered and official Tenset member, or it is a scam.

You can head to: https://www.tenset.io/en/verification and input the details of the person you are speaking with about Tenset. The tool currently verifies email addresses, telegram usernames, LinkedIn website addresses and Twitter accounts, which are the primary places our sales representatives operate. If you are unsure about the process and want to take an extra step of caution, you can reach out to Tenset via our contact form: https://www.tenset.io/en/contact.

This is an important addition to the Tenset platform as we continue our New Order expansions and onboard new team members and scouts to attract more business. To achieve our lofty ambitions of becoming one of the top technological hubs in the blockchain space we need a powerful network and reputation. In case you missed our previous announcement and are interested in getting involved with Tenset, you can check the articles here: https://www.tenset.io/en/news/become-a-tenset-scout and https://www.tenset.io/en/news/tenset-expanding-developer-team.

Helping individuals to avoid scammers can retain value within both the Tenset ecosystem and wider crypto space. We encourage everybody interacting within the blockchain industry to adhere to strict cautionary measures with their wallets and funds. Don’t blindly trust, always verify.

Please ensure that you are dealing with an official Tenset member when discussing a proposal. There are many scammers who impersonate the Tenset project and may make a fake proposal for your project to join one of our platforms. You can verify the legitimacy of the individual with this new verification tool in the footer of our website.

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