TPL subscriptions are open!


TPL subscriptions are open!

Users can now subscribe to the Tenset Protectron Launchpad! Lock 2,500 10SET for 1 year to gain 365 day access to all TPL launches:

TPL users are eligible to participate in all TPL launches during the time that they have an active subscription. A key feature of this launchpad is the ‘claim back’ policy that will be implemented each time. This fully decentralised, no-questions-asked policy means that users can cancel their allocation up to 7 days after the token listing.

They also have the opportunity to decide what projects should feature on the launchpad through the community vote. Last week the first community vote ended and ivendPay successfully passed with 98% yes, and plan to launch in September. You can expect more votes to appear going forward. A new page dedicated to Tenset Protectron Launchpad has gone live on the website:

Please note that a TPL subscription does not grant access to TGLP. A regular TGLP subscription (locking 5,000 10SET) or a TGLP NFT is required for this. TGLP users also get access to participate in TPL launches with a double allocation. You can read more information about TGLP here:

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